Nursery Wallpaper Dos and Don'ts

Nursery Wallpaper Dos and Don'ts

Your friends at Our Local Wallpaper Studio have collected some of the best tips for designing your new bundle of joy's nursery. While we're partial to the vibe of peel-and-stick wallpaper, there are other useful things to keep in mind:

  1. Consider the theme: If you have a specific theme in mind for the nursery, such as animals or a certain color scheme, look for wallpaper that complements that theme.

  2. Think about the room's lighting: If the room gets a lot of natural light, a lighter-colored wallpaper will reflect the light and brighten the space. If the room gets less natural light, a darker wallpaper will add warmth.

  3. Durability: Look for wallpaper that is durable and easy to clean, as it will likely be exposed to spills, stains, and other messes. Avoid delicate or high-gloss wallpapers.

  4. Choose non-toxic and eco-friendly options: Look for wallpapers that are free of VOCs (volatile organic compounds) and other harmful chemicals, and made with sustainable materials.

  5. Consider the size of the room: If the room is small, a busy or large-scale pattern may make the space feel smaller. If the room is large, a small or simple pattern may get lost.

  6. Keep in mind the longevity: Choose a design or pattern that won't go out of style too quickly, so you won't have to change it again soon.

  7. Coordination: Coordinate the wallpaper with other items in the room, such as bedding, curtains, and furniture, to create a cohesive look.

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